
Conversations on Quality  •  January 24-25, 2012  •  MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
By Invitation Only

Below are the presentations given during the symposium.

  • Bell, P. (2012, January). The practical case for quality: The teacher and student perspective. Presentation at Conversations on quality: a symposium on k-12 online learning, Cambridge, MA.
    [ Slideshare :: PowerPoint (16.8 MB) :: PDF (19.4 MB) ]
  • Dede, C. (2012, January). Scaling up in education. Presentation at Conversations on quality: a symposium on k-12 online learning, Cambridge, MA.
    [ Slideshare :: PowerPoint (1.5 MB) :: PDF (1.4 MB) ]
  • Gee, J. (2012, January). Quality Courseware through Interactive Gaming. Presentation at Conversations on quality: a symposium on k-12 online learning, Cambridge, MA.
    [ Slideshare :: PowerPoint (3.1 MB) :: PDF (5.2 MB) ]
  • Saxberg, B. (2012, January). Assessing quality: Learner analytics, or human intuition?. Presentation at Conversations on quality: a symposium on k-12 online learning, Cambridge, MA.
    [ Slideshare :: PowerPoint (1.2 MB) :: PDF (1.2 MB) ]
  • VanLehn, K. (2012, January). Intelligent tutoring systems (its) for online learning. Presentation at Conversations on quality: a symposium on k-12 online learning, Cambridge, MA.
    [ Slideshare :: PowerPoint (2.4 MB) :: PDF (2.6 MB) ]