Conversations on Quality • January 24-25, 2012 • MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
By Invitation Only
Workgroup Instructions
What does quality meant to you? This is your opportunity to challenge the courseware design and development community to produce courseware that meets your vision for quality. With your group, please complete the following two activities. Be creative, be bold, and have fun!
Activity One
Write a short memo to the courseware design and development community that challenges them to make and deliver high-quality online courseware that addresses your group’s topic. We’ll use the memos to draft the conference proceedings, which will be released to the public this spring.
Make sure to include:
- Your group’s vision for quality in your topic area
- The topic’s importance to online course quality
- The specific principles or descriptors of quality in this area.
- Please include no more than five
- These should NOT be specific product features, but overarching principles that span all aspects of design
- The major challenges to achieving the vision
Upload your memo here.
Activity Two
Create a poster presentation that persuades the courseware design and development community to adopt the recommendations in your memo.
Prepare a brief (<3 min), informal presentation for your peers that presents your case for quality for the poster session on Wednesday morning.