
Conversations on Quality  •  January 24-25, 2012  •  MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
By Invitation Only

Below are pre-readings for symposium participants to familiarize themselves with the key symposium themes of Assessing, Designing and Scaling Online Learning.

Featured Reading


  • National Research Council. (2011). Assessing 21st century skills: Summary of a workshop. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Available online at: Links to Read Online, Download Summary, or Purchase.
  • Bakia, M., Caspary, K., Wang, H., Dieterle, E., & Lee, A. (2011). Estimating the Effects of Online Learning for Secondary School Students: State and district case studies. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Available online at:


  • Soloway, E., et al. (2001). Handheld devices are ready-at-hand.Communications of the ACM, 44(6), 15-20. (PDF)


Additional Reading


  • U.S. Department of Education. (2010). Transforming american education: Learning powered by technology. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology. Available Online at:
  • Bok, D. C. (2006). Our underachieving colleges: A candid look at how much students learn and why they should be learning more. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. (WorldCat Record)
  • Collins, A., & Halverson, R. (2009). Rethinking education in the age of technology: The digital revolution and schooling in America. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. (WorldCat Record)
  • Dede, C., & Richards, J. (Eds.). (in press). Digital teaching platforms. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
  • Bakia, M., Anderson, K., Heying, E., Keating, K., & Mislevy, J. Implementing online learning labs in schools and districts. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. (PDF)
  • Means, B., Toyama,Y., Murphy. R., Bakia, M., and Jones, K. (2009). Evaluation of Evidence-based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-analysis and Review of Online-learning Studies. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education.


  • Kuhn, T. (1962). The structure of scientific revolutions. The processes to scale quality innovations require a strong element of scientific revolutions. Please see The Structure of Scientific Revolutions – Chapter 2 on articulating paradigms. (WorldCat Record) And/or skim this outline from Emory University:
  • The Shared Learning Collaborative uses a collaborative approach to diffuse innovation.
  • How might we achieve scale? What does it look like? Kits’ role in promoting innovation. (PDF)