
Conversations on Quality  •  January 24-25, 2012  •  MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
By Invitation Only

All sessions are being held at Le Meridien, Cambridge  •  20 Sidney Street

Travel and Lodging

The Gates Foundation will work with all Symposium participants to arrange travel and lodging. If you are an invited participant and have any questions, please work with Liz Schuldt (Liz.Schuldt-at-gatesfoundation-dot-org).


Conversations on Quality will be held at the Le Meridien Cambridge-MIT located between Kendall and Central Squares near the MIT campus.

20 Sidney Street
Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139
United States
TEL: (617) 577-0200

Map (in relation to MIT)

Getting to the Hotel

Subway: Kendall Square/ MIT- Red Line, approximately 2.00 USD (one way)

Taxi: Approximately 30.00 USD (one way)

Driving Directions: Follow signs at the airport to the Sumner Tunnel. Pay the toll and take the Sumner Tunnel to Interstate 93 North. You will see a sign for Interstate 93 North at the end of the tunnel. Take 93 North to Exit 26 and follow the signs to Storrow Drive. Get onto Storrow Drive for approximately a quarter mile. There will be a LEFT exit for Government Center/Kendall Square. Take that exit and at the bottom of the exit take a right. This will put you on the Longfellow Bridge. Go over the Longfellow Bridge which will turn into Broadway. After the first set of lights, the hotel will be on the left. This hotel does not provide shuttle service.