
Conversations on Quality  •  January 24-25, 2012  •  MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
By Invitation Only


Confirmed registrants as of January 18, 2012

Wendy Adams, University of Colorado
Liz Arney, Aspire Public Schools
Steve Arnold, Polaris Venture Partners
Marianne Bakia, SRI International
Sasha Barab, Arizona State
John W. Belcher, MIT
Phillip Bell, University of Washington
Scott Benson, Gates Foundation
Anita Berger, iSchool
Pam Birtolo, Florida Virtual School
Karen Brennan, MIT
Kevin Byers, Adams County School District 50
Grace Cannon, Philadelphia School District
Steve Carson, MIT; OCW
Kim Carter, Q.E.D. Foundation
Catherine Casserly, Creative Commons
Michelene Chi
Stacey Childress, Gates Foundation
Brian Christopher
Betsy Corcoran, EdSurge
Jonathan Cowan, KIPP
Cecilia d’Oliveira, MIT
Emily Dalton Smith, Gates Foundation
Cecilia David, Gates Foundation
George DeBoer, AAAS Project 2061
Chris Dede, Harvard
Ed Dierterle, Gates Foundation
Paula Don, Philadelphia School District
Barry Fishman, University of Michigan
Michelle Fox, U.S. Department of Energy
Susan Fuhrman, NAE; Teachers College
Jim Gee, Arizona State University
Melissa Giraud
Jennifer Gotto, Adams County School District 50
Dominic Griff
Paul Griff
Daniel Hastings, MIT
Neil Heffernan, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Jessica Heppen, American Institutes for Research
Margaret Honey, New York Hall of Science
Bill Jerome, Carnegie Mellon
Neeru Khosla, CK-12 Foundation
Eric Klopfer, MIT
Mari Koerner, Arizona State University
Keith R. Krueger, CoSN
Vijay Kumar, MIT; Strategic Education Initiatives
Yennie Lee, Gates Foundation
Mitch Leffler, Bellevue School District
Judy Leonard, MIT; Strategic Education Initiatives
Chris Liang-Vergara, First Line Schools
Gary Lopez, Monterey Institute for Technology and Education
JoEllen Lynch, New York City DOE
Laird Malamed
Alexis Mentin, Asia Society
Brandon Muramatsu, MIT; Strategic Education Initiatives
Amy Pace, Open High School of Utah
Andi Pascarella, McGraw-Hill
Susan Patrick, International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOAL)
Vicki Phillips, Gates Foundation
Nichole Pinkard, DePaul University
David Pritchard, MIT
Rahim Rajan, Gates Foundation
Leslie Redd, Valve
David Rose, CAST
Adrian Sannier, Pearson eCollege
Bror Saxberg, Kaplan
Lisa Schuldt, Gates Foundation
David Shaffer, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Kay Shattuck, Quality Matters Program
Bret Shelton, Utah State University
Jim Shelton, U.S. Department of Education
Russ Shilling, DARPA
Val Shute, Florida State
Mike Smith, Harvard University
Constance Steinkuehler, OSTP
Kimberlee Thanos, Thanos Partners
DeLaina Tonks, Open High School of Utah
Robert Torres, Gates Foundation
Barbara Treacy, EDC
Adam Tucker, Gates Foundation
Kurt VanLehn, Arizona State University
Brian Waniewski, Institute of Play
Louise Waters, Leadership Public Schools
Arlene Winter
Jenna Winter
Esther Wojcicki, Google; Palo Alto High School
Carina Wong, Gates Foundation